Services to be Provided by the Registration Authority

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Services to be Provided by the Registration Authority

The ISO 26324 Registration Authority shall provide the following services:

promote, coordinate and supervise the DOI System in compliance with the specifications of this International Standard

supply technology and infrastructure for resolution, metadata and registration functionality in compliance with the specifications of this International Standard and ensure that any changes in selected technology will be compatible with earlier DOI applications

allocate unique DOI prefixes to registrants and maintain an accurate register of the DOI prefixes that have been assigned

secure the maintenance of DOI names and associated DOI resolution records through the maintenance of a single logical directory of all registered DOI names, the DOI directory

enable the registration and mapping of DOI metadata through the maintenance of, or agreed use of, an appropriate data dictionary

implement policies and procedures governing the process of DOI registration, including rules to aid persistence of DOI names and interoperability within networks of DOI users

develop, maintain and make available documentation for users of the DOI system, including the provision of a User Manual for registrants which shall specify implementation details in conformance with this International Standard

review relevant technology developments and maintain current information on appropriate syntax character encoding, resolution software implementations, etc.

provide a unifying record for a referent in case multiple DOI names are assigned to the same referent (this may happen, for example, through assignment of DOI names by two different registrants)